Nan-Chen Chen

Home Fellow Biographies Nan-Chen Chen

Nan-Chen Chen

University of Washington, Seattle


Nan-Chen Chen (陳南蓁) is currently a PhD student in Human-Centered Design and Engineering (HCDE) at the University of Washington. As a member of the Human-centered Data Science Lab (HDS Lab), She works with Prof. Cecilia Aragon. She is also a member of the Design-Use-Build (DUB) group. She received her B.S. degree in Computer Science and Information Engineering with a minor in Psychology from National Taiwan University in 2013, where she worked with Prof. Hao-Hua Chu in Ubiquitous Computing Lab.

Her research focuses on human-computer interaction and visualization. She is particularly excited about building visual analytics tools for domain experts to explore and analyze data. she is also interested in studying how people interact with their data and write code; this falls within the scope of human-centered data science

In 2006, she started to teach female senior high school students programming languages. Later in 2008, she began teaching data structures and algorithms (examples of the teaching materials and videos can be found in Resources.) In Fall 2012, she was the TA in Introduction to Computer Programming (CSIE1210) and Algorithm Design and Analysis (CSIE2136). In Spring 2013, she served as the TA in Introduction to Computer Programming (CSIE1921). From 2009 to 2013, she was a member in NTU Toastmasters Club and became its president in 2010. She received the Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship in 2011, and the Irving T. Ho Memorial Scholarship in 2011 and 2012. She is also the recipient of the 2014 Microsoft Research Graduate Women's Scholarship.

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